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The Lay Of A Golden Goose - By Louisa May Alcott
Original Text of the poem The Lay of a Golden Goose by Louisa May Alcott
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A Poison Tree - By William Blake
Original Text of the poem A Poison Tree by William Blake
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The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point - by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Original Text of The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Composed Upon Westminster Bridge - by William Wordsworth
Original Text of Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth
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Written In March - by William Wordsworth
Original Text of Written In March by William Wordsworth
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Yet, Yet, Ye Downcast Hours - by Walt Whitman
Yet, Yet, Ye Downcast Hours by Walt Whitman. It is a beautiful poem about hope by the famous American poet.
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Miracles - by Walt Whitman
Miracles by Walt Whitman. It is a poem about the awe of nature and humanity by the famous American poet.
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A Noiseless Patient Spider - by Walt Whitman
A Noiseless Patient Spider by Walt Whitman. It is a poem about isolation by the famous American poet.
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